Lipika Kalita

Lipika Kalita

Assistant Professor


Dr. Lipika Kalita
(M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Pursuing) in Education)


  1. “Need and Importance of Guidance and Counselling Among Adolescents Learner – A Study on Tezpur Town of Assam, India”
    Published in Research Journal of Social and Life Sciences (ISSN No. 0973-3914), Volume-XXIV-II, June 12, 2018.

    • UGC Journal No. 40942, Impact Factor: 3.112 (Pg. 178-182).
  2. “A Study on Attitude of Secondary School Teachers Towards Inclusive Education”
    Published in MSSV Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, VOL. 4, NO. 1 (ISSN 2455-7706).

  3. “Open Educational Resources – Teaching in a Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges for School Teachers and Educators of Higher Education”
    Published in Technology in the Practice of School Psychology (ISBN: 978-93-91690-68-7), March 2024. Published by the Indian School Psychological Association.

  4. “New Education Policy 2020: Inclusive Education from Disability Perspective: Issues and Concerns”
    [To be Published].

Workshops Participated:

  1. “Eight Days Workshop cum Training Programme on Research Methodology in Humanities and Social Sciences”
    Organized by Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya, Nagaon, from July 10–17, 2019.

Paper Presentations:

  1. National Seminar on National Education Policy 2020: Bridging the Gaps in Accessibility, Equality & Quality Learning Outcome in School Education
    Held on May 13–14, 2022, Sponsored by ICSSR. Organized by Prof. Qoumrul Hoque School of Education, USTM.

  2. 13th InSPA International Conference 2023
    Held from November 3–5, 2023, Organized by the Indian School Psychological Association and University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya.

  3. Seminar on Skill India Mission – Transforming Youth’s Future
    Held on November 29–30, 2023, Sponsored by ICSSR. Organized by the Department of Education, Raha College.

Faculty Development Programmes:

  1. Week-long Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology
    Organized by IQAC & IIC of Kaliabor College, Nagaon, from May 24–30, 2023.

  2. Six-Day International Faculty Development Programme on NEP-2020
    Organized by IQAC, College of Education, Nagaon, from July 22–27, 2024.


  • M.A (P.Sc.)
  • M.ED
  • M.Phil
  • Ph.D (purs)


  • Pedagogy of Social Science
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